Santiago and Viña del Mar, Wednesday 23rd

Coordination Receptions, Transfers and Check In at Hotel

Hour                                                      Event

11:00 hrs.                                             Transfer in bus First Group Delegations to Viña del Mar                                                           
International Airport Arturo Merino Benítez

Santiago de Chile

13:00 hrs.                                             Arrival to hotels and check in of First Group Delegations

17:00 hrs.                                            Transfer Second Group Delegations to Viña del Mar

                                                               International Airport Arturo Merino Benítez

Santiago de Chile

19:00 hrs.                                             Check In Hotel Second Group of Delegations


20:00 hrs.                                            Reception to Foreign Delegations

                                                              Terrace Hotel San Martín, Viña del Mar.

Viña del Mar

Working day Morning. First Block Congress

Hour                                                     Event

08:30 hrs.                                           Transfer Delegations Invited

Hotel Enjoy – Hotel San Martín

Point of Encounter: Central Hall Hotel Enjoy

09:00 hrs.                                           International Congress Opening

                                                               Accreditation “First Day Congress”

                                                               Saloon “Escudero”, Hotel San Martín, Viña del Mar

                                                               Avenida San Martín Nr. 667, Phone Nr.: (56.32) 246 2209                                                           

09:30 hrs.                                           Inauguration VI International Congress of Coproperty Administrators

                                                               Viña del Mar, Chile

10:00 hrs.                                           Speech of Welcome

                                                               Mr. Anibal Ahumada Alvarez (See Profile)

                                                               President CGAI,  Chile

10:30 hrs.                                           “International Experience Transfer in Coproperty Administration”

                                                               Mr. Juan Manuel Acosta y Lara, Representive of AIERCH, Argentina (See Profile)

                                                               “Minimum Training to Administrators in Argentina” (20 min.)

                                                               Mr. Pedro Wähmann, Representative of Secovirio, Brazil (See Profile)

                                                               “Requirements to Exert as Coproperty Administrator in Brazil” (20 min.)

                                                               Mr. Germán Molano, Representative of Colombia (See Profile)

                                                               “Barriers of Entrance and Legal Demands to Administrators in Colombia”(20 min.)

                                                               Mr. Salvador Diez, Representative of CGCAFE, Spain (See Profile)

                                                               “The Spanish Labor Union, an example to highlight” (20 min.)

11:50 hrs.                                           Coffee Break



Viña del Mar
Working Day Morning. Second Block Congress

Hour                                                     Event

12:30 hrs.                                           Continuation Program

Mr. Luis de Prado, Representative of Megafarms, European Union (See Profile)

“Outst anding Characteristics of Labor Unions in European Union” (20 min.)

Mrs. Susana Figueroa, Representative of JARISA, Guatemala (See Profile)

                                                               “Labor Union in Guatemala, a basic need” (20 min.)

                                                               Mr. Sergio Román, Representative of CGAI, Chile (See Profile)

“Real Estate Development in Chile, a great chance for administrators”

 (20 min.)

13:30 hrs.                                           BUSINESS ROUND  HOTEL SAN MARTIN                  

14:30 Hrs.                                           Closure First Day International Congress                                          

Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Casablanca,

Working Day Evening. Transfers, Food, Hotels Coordination

Hour                                                     Event

14:30 hrs.                                           Transfer check out and baggage retirement
                                                              Hotel San Martín – Hotel Enjoy

15:30 hrs.                                           City Tour

                                                              Viña del Mar - Valparaíso

                                                              Typical Places – Touristic Sites

18:00 hrs.                                           Transfer to Casablanca

19:00 hrs.                                           Meal at Casablanca “House of Morandé”

                                                              Valley of Casablanca, Fifth Region, Chile

21:30 hrs.                                           Transfer to Santiago

23:30 hrs.                                           Check In Hotels



Working Day Morning

Hour                                                     Event

08:00 hrs.                                           Transfer to Congress

                                                               Point of Encounter: Central Hall Hotel Holliday Inn, El Golf

08:30 hrs.                                           Accreditation Second Day International Congress

                                                               Saloon “Auditorio”. Center of Events Sofofa

                                                               Avenida Andrés Bello Nr. 2777. Las Condes

09:00 hrs                                             Speech of Welcome

                                                               Mr. Anibal Ahumada Alvarez

                                                               President CGAI Chile

09:30 hrs.                                            Mr. Leonardo Schneider, Representative of Secovirio, Brazil (See Profile)

                                                               “The Future of Buildings Administration” (40 min.)

Mr. Noriaki Shiomi, Representative of Meiwa Group, Japan (See Profile)

“Businesses Parameters Definition for Buildings Administration” (40 min.).


10:55 hrs.                                           Coffee Break

11:40 hrs.                                           Mrs. Beth Machen, Representative of IREM, USA (See Profile)

                                                               “How to Train Administrators of Successful Buildings” (40 min.)

Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre N., Representative of CGAI, Chile (See Profile)

                                                               “Labor Union in the World. ¿Which direction will it take?”

 (40 min.)


13:00 hrs.                                            Brunch and Business Round Saloon SOFOFA Council

Santiago, Friday 25th

Working Day Evening

Hour                                                     Event

15:00 hrs-                                           Mr. Pepe Gutiérrez, Spain (See Profile)

International Lecturer and Consultant in Buildings Administration

“IP Mind. Innovation and Technology in Properties Administration” (80 min.)

16:30 hrs.                                            Mr. Luis de Prado, Representative of Megafarms, European Union (See Profile)

                                                               “The Need of Becoming Globally United” (20 min.)


16:50 hrs.                                            Protocol Signature

“Incorporation of CGAI to ALAI” (Latin American Alliance of Real Estates Associations)

17:00 hrs.                                           Distinctions Delivery to Foreign Delegations

17:30 hrs.                                           Closure Discourse (20 min.)

                                                               Mr. Aníbal Ahumada Alvarez

                                                               President CGAI, Chile

17:50 hrs.                                            End of VI International Congress of Coproperty Administrators

18:30 hrs.                                           Transfer of Invited Delegations

                                                               Conventions Center Sofofa – Hotel Holliday Inn El Golf

Walk from Santiago to Santa Cruz (Colchagua), Saturday 26th

Hour                                                     Event

08:00 hrs.                                           Transfer Invited Delegations                                    

                                                               Lunch Hotel Santa Cruz

Visit to Almacruz Vineyard of Colchagua  and ascent in  Cable car.

                                                              Point fo Encounter: Central Hall Hotel Holiday Inn El Golf

18:00 hrs.                                           Transfer Invited Delegations of:

                                                                Santa Cruz Vineyard to Hotel Holliday Inn El Golf

21:00 hrs.                                           Arrival to Hotel

                                                              Hotel Holliday Inn El Golf



ü Some hotels where reservations have been done to make easier the mobility of the participants:

                Hotel Enjoy. Viña del Mar

                                                               Avenida San Martín Nr. 199. Viña del Mar

                                                               Fifth Region Chile

                                                               Phone Nr.: (32) 284 6100

Hotel San Martin. Viña del Mar 

Avenida San Martín Nr. 667. Viña del Mar

Fifth Region Chile

Phone Nr.: (32) 268 9191

Hotel Holiday Inn El Golf. Santiago

                                                               Avenida Vitacura Nr. 2929. Providencia. Santiago

Metropolitana Region

Phone Nr.: (02) 2499 6000