Vina del Mar

Viña del Mar is a commune that belongs to the province and Region of Valparaiso, which, jointly with other urban nucleus with conurbation, is part of the metropolitan area of Great Valparaíso. It is located at the Central Coast, beside the Marga Marga disemboguement and the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the most visited beach cities of Chile and, at the same time, one of the most exclusive.

Viña del Mar has outstanded by its placid beach cities, big commercial centres, extensive coastals with high edifications, hotels and a variety of entertainment places, which has converted it in one of the most touristic cities of Chile and one of the most internationally recognized.

It is so-called La Ciudad Jardín, as the city has a great amount of green areas and extensive parks along it. In addition, it has been recognized by its originary suburban arquitectural style of “country houses”, established by the english settled in Valparaíso who had their summer holidays and recreation in Viña del Mar by the end of the XIX century.

In the last decade, its real estate development turns it into the second pole of attraction for national and foreign investors. Thanks to its connectivity, accesses to other regions and granting the opportunities of great services, it is distinguished as a city unmissable to know and feel.

According to a survey, it is seen by chileans as the best commune where to live and work.

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Santiago, also called Santiago de Chile, is the capital of Chile. It is the main urban nucleus of the country and its metropolitan area is known with the name of Great Santiago. It is also the capital of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago..

Santiago de Chile is considered the second best city to make businesses in Latin America, as well as the third city of South America, after Montevideo and Buenos Aires, with the best quality of life. It also figures as the second more safe southamerican city  and the fifth latinamerican. Also, it is considered a global city of alpha class and the 53th city with greatest incomes of the world, with a GDP of USD 91.000 millions in 2005 and an estimated of USD 160.000 millions towards 2020. In march 2012, it was qualified as the third more competitive southamerican city an the third latinamerican and it occupies the 68th position at global level.

With an explosive real estate development, in the last years it heads up at southamerican level the edification of important centres of class “A” office buildings and today it has the highest offices tower of the continent (Costanera Tower), commercial centres at global level and residentiary edifications with high standards for life and work of its inhabitants.

Its beauty surrounded by the snowed mountains of Los Andes, which run all along its extension from north to south and its great connectivity to recreation centres  (Valparaíso and Viña del Mar) make it an attractive city difficult to forget.

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