Juan Manuel Acosta y Lara


President of Real Estate Association of AIERH Horizontal Rental Buildings

Attorney at University of Buenos Aires

Titulary of Acosta y Lara & associates Administration

President of AIERH, Real Estate Association of Horizontal Rental Buildings, entity which groups Consortions Administrators of Horizontal Property in Argentina.

Vice-President of the Economic General Confederation of Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires.

Founding member and integrant of the directive of SERACARH, Adequate Resolution Service of Conflicts in Rent and Horizontal.

Editor of Code of Good Comercial Practices for the Horizontal Property sector.

Parity representative of Horizontal Property sector before the Ministry of Work.

Dictated conferences about the problematics of horizontal property and the profession of properties administration in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, United States, Spain and Italy.

Editor of magazine Consortions Management about the coproperty issue in Argentina and columnist in diverse coproperty magazines in the world.