The real estate boom that Chile actually presents, where edification projects highlight with a high technological standard and services requirements progressively specialized for offices, residentiaries and commercial centers buildings, demanding that each day more prepared administrators to confront the complex situations given, in a particular way, in this market.   

On the other hand, residents certainly more informed, with own opinion and a high degree of connectivity through  TIC platforms, have undoubtely achieved such an empowerment, that it has become the greatest challenge to face by the Administrators of the XXI Century.

The Sixth International Coproperty Administrators Congress, to be held in Chile in October 24, 25, and 26, 2013, which in its first day will congregate us at the beutiful garden city of Viña del Mar and will continue at the cosmopolitan city of  Santiago, invites us to discuss about relevant aspects such as where this profession leads to, its developement, the search of standardizing the activity at global level, how to face the need of response to the demanding requirements of our customers, etc.

It will also stimulate the exchange of experiences between the participating colleagues of Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America, with the purpose of sharing knowledge, raising competences and extrapolating them to the different countries that will participate. It will be an excellent opportunity to know about the economical and social reality of the administrations, from their own representatives view.

¡With great pleasure, we invite you to participate of this Congress, awaiting you all in Chile in the month of October 2013!


Aníbal Ahumada Álvarez
President CGAI Chile