Lic. Luis De Prado

President of CEAB-UE / European Confederation of Estates Administration.


•   Studies of law at University of Basque Country

•   President of  Basque Council of Administrators and  Farm Administrators Colleges of Vizcaya

•   President of C.E.A.B. (European Confederation of Inmovable Estates Administrators).

•   Vice-President of  C.E.P.I. (European Council of Real Estates Professions)

•   Delegate counsellor of Prado farms, occasion line and entrepreneural groups. Companies related to real estates administration, promotion and bergain and sale of inmovable estates.

•   Former Professor of Real Estates Master at Faculty of Economical Sciences at the University of the Basque Country and of the Institute of Real Estate Management (Chicago).

•   Former Counsellor of the International Federation of Real Estates Professions (FIABCI)

•   Columnist and lecturer at diverse international forums of the real estate sector.