Pepe Gutiérrez


Farms Administrator collegiate since 1983.

Social Graduated. (Postgraduated in Social Sciences)

Licensed in Social and Cultural Anthropology. In phase of specialization in real estate anthropology.

External professor of University of Alicante in Degree of real estates studies, residentiary and non-residentiary administration assignments  (until 2008).

External Professor of University of Burgos in Degree of real estates studies.

National Director of Studies Cabinet in the General Council of Real Estates Administrators Colleges of Spain ( 1999-2009 )

CPM – Certificed Property Manager in USA at Irem of Chicago – appointment in USA as real estates administrator.

Professor at Faculty of Irem (USA). First professor approved outside USA.

ASM – Accredited Shopping Manager in USA of ICSC, New York – appointment in USA at commercial centres administration and first european to achieve the appointment.

Speaker in courses and conferences at national and international level  (Usa, Russia, China, Japan, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Italy and Portugal.)

Co-author of the book: “Compendium of Horizontal Property – Ibero-American Compared Prospect”.

Author of articles published in national and international magazines specialized in real estate administration.

Speaker in General Council workdays of Judicial Branch and co-author of the book “The Housing Consumer”.

Technological expert of the Ministry of Education in Spain for professional qualification of the real estate administrator.

Founding associate of Megafarms Group.